Mittlerweile ist es fast Dezember, die Weihnachtsmärkte machten diese Woche ihre Pforten auf, Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und die Geschenkesuche bereitet uns Kopfzerbrechen. Nach einem fast warmen und wunderbar sonnigen November scheint nun auch der Winter einzukehren. Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit bis der kalte Wind den ersten Schnee bringt und ich kann euch sagen, dass ich jetzt schon den Frühling kaum erwarten kann.
Die Macher des Monki-Magazins versuchen uns allerdings sanft auf den Winter vorzubereiten und es gelingt. Mit der "Freezing Issue" wird allerlei Feines für die kalte Jahreszeit bereitgestellt. Die deutsche Bloggerin Sevda spricht über das besondere Licht ihrer neuen Wahlheimat Schweden. Bebban Stenborg, Sängerin der Band Shout Out Louds, verrät Details aus ihrem musikalischen Werdegang, ihre literarischen Pläne und was uns in der Zukunft wichtig sein sollte. Katja von LesMads zeigt ihre Traumgarderobe für ein Leben im hohen Norden. Eine D.I.Y. Bubble-Lampe soll uns die dunklen Tage erleuchten. Sängerin Maria Mena erklärt, warum sie am liebsten im Winter heiraten würde. Ulrika Kestere zeigt ihre wunderbaren winterlichen Kunstwerke. Und wenn euch das alles noch nicht reicht, wird auch ein kleiner Einblick in die Frühlingskollektion gegeben.
It is almost December by now, the Christmas markets all over the world opened their doors and hunting for Christmas presents racks our brains. After a nearly warm and incredibly sunny November winter now really seems to come. It is merely a matter of time until the cold wind brings the first snow and I can tell you, I can't wait for spring.
However, the editors from Monki Magazine are trying to prepare us for winter in a gentle way. Their "Freezing Issue" makes sundry fine things available to us. German blogger Sevda is talking about the special light in her new adopted home Sweden. Bebban Stenborg, Shout Out Louds' front lady, is revealing details from her musical career, her literary plans and what should concern us in the future. Katja from LesMads is showing her dream wardrobe for living up in the North. A DIY bubble lamp shall light up the dark days. Singer Maria Mena is explaining why she would prefer a winter wedding. Ulrika Kestere is showing her wonderful winter-inspired artwork. And if all this still isn't enough for you Monki delivers insight into its spring collection.
It is almost December by now, the Christmas markets all over the world opened their doors and hunting for Christmas presents racks our brains. After a nearly warm and incredibly sunny November winter now really seems to come. It is merely a matter of time until the cold wind brings the first snow and I can tell you, I can't wait for spring.
However, the editors from Monki Magazine are trying to prepare us for winter in a gentle way. Their "Freezing Issue" makes sundry fine things available to us. German blogger Sevda is talking about the special light in her new adopted home Sweden. Bebban Stenborg, Shout Out Louds' front lady, is revealing details from her musical career, her literary plans and what should concern us in the future. Katja from LesMads is showing her dream wardrobe for living up in the North. A DIY bubble lamp shall light up the dark days. Singer Maria Mena is explaining why she would prefer a winter wedding. Ulrika Kestere is showing her wonderful winter-inspired artwork. And if all this still isn't enough for you Monki delivers insight into its spring collection.