Simple Mäntel in gedeckten Farben, hochgekrempelte Hosen und schwarzes Schuhwerk gehören auch zu meinen Favoriten diesen Winter. Drei verschiedene Alternativen dieser wunderbaren Kombination seht ihr oben. Boho, elegant oder casual, da sollte für jeden was dabei sein. Was ist euer Favorit? Und wer es im Winter heller mag, findet nach dem Cut weitere Bilder schöner Wintermäntel.
Simple coats in muted colours, turned up trousers and black shoes are also my favourites for this winter. Above you can see three great alternatives of this combination. Boho, classy or casual, everyone should find his favourite, what is yours? Below you also see light versions.
I prefer Vanessa Hegelmeier's outfit in the middle. The German model voluntarily left season 3 of Germany's Next Topmodel and successfully applied to Place Models. Later she was signed by IMG Models New York and Paris, also by different agencies in London, Milan and Barcelona. In the last years she walked all the big shows and always satisfies me with her lovely and relaxed outfits. You can observe her work on her personal blog.

Bilder: tronderhunter, stockholm streetstyle, tumblr, stylesightings, stockholm streetstyle, stylesightings